For the Dehonian Family Lord Jesus, with all our fellow Christians, we proclaim that you are the new Man in whom the Father has made known his love. By the Incarnationyou have united yourself to every human being.You worked with human hands, you thought with a human mind, you loved with a human heart. You have truly made yourself one of us, like us in all things but sin. Your way is the way we want to make our way through life. May we live out the gift of our baptism, fully aware of the vocation and mission that you have entrusted to us. As disciples of Father Dehon, we want to make union with you, in your love for the Father and for all people, the principle and center of our life. We ask that we may grow in your love, that we may respond to those who suffer and who are in need. Help us to live out our commitment to justice and peace, so that the reign of your Heart may be achieved in souls and in societies. Amen. |